Any firm must have a marketing plan. You must engage in marketing if you want to generate sales. You need to create an effective marketing plan and innovative marketing methods if you want to launch your business. Creativity is the most important factor when developing a marketing plan. In the modern digital era, you can come up with a tonne of innovative marketing concepts that would have been impossible to put into practise for businesses decades before. But are you the one who wants to stay ahead with competition? In this blog, you’ll learn some of the amazing and cost saving ideas to advertise your business with some effective ideas. Read on to know more.
Many advertising agencies in Indore offer us a wide range of venues and tools for promoting goods, services, talents, and brands. Successful creative marketing concepts are ones that effectively reach their intended audiences at the appropriate moment and location. We have been researching some innovative marketing ideas that have boosted brand awareness for a great number of companies throughout the world. Today, we’re here to share with you some of the best original marketing concepts you could wish to use to boost sales and expand your company.
Why Advertisement is Necessary for Your Business?
One of the most well-known ways to build brand recognition and communicate with your target audience is through advertising. Additionally, it’s not a simple assignment for you as a marketer to communicate a complicated message on a platform that people will only view for a little period of time. You must include “Outdoor Advertising” in your marketing plan if you want your audience to be aware of your company’s brand.
So, are you interested in learning more about creative advertising ideas? Here are some.
- Auto Rickshaw Video Ads
An advertising agency in Indore named “Rickshawpedia” launches a new advertising concept in Indore of auto rickshaw video ads. Additionally, research suggests that consumers are watching videos for longer periods of time every day. So, if you haven’t already included videos in your marketing plan, this is the time to start.
Video content’s success can be attributed to the fact that it offers audio-visual stimuli, is captivating, interactive, and appeals to people’s visceral feelings. The well-known Coca-Cola commercial “The Last Customer” serves as the ideal illustration of this type of video content.
You can attract more audience through your message in videos. And in order to achieve the necessary outcomes in the face of rising competition, the bar must be raised. You should work on videos that are concise, pertinent, educational, and valuable to the audience and also increase your reach. Use cutting-edge tools to enhance the experience, such as 360-degree video and you should once connect with Rickshawpedia team.
- 3D Street Art

As a businessperson, you can enlist the assistance of a street artist to create artwork for your company’s advertisement. Your audience’s attention will be quickly drawn to 3D art. Additionally, the artwork offers amazing opportunities for selfies and photo ops that are readily shared online. Your items will have more opportunities to be viewed as a result.
- Street Furniture Advertising

Another outdoor marketing in Indore concept that not only attracts attention but also makes an impact is furniture advertising. Take a break, enjoy a KitKat is KitKat’s catchphrase, and the company makes good use of street furniture. On a bright day, using beach chairs and umbrellas is another excellent option!
- Social Media Advertisement

Social media marketing is a fantastic way to attract clients and consumers to your company. In order to achieve this goal, you must meet two essential requirements: you must have worthwhile products or services to sell or to provide, and you must know how to present them in your social media postings.
Facebook might be a good place to start. Facebook is a great platform for you to promote your company by making brief updates on the things you frequently sell. You may create a Facebook group to create an online community. Facebook groups are used by many prosperous firms to solicit client input and address client issues.
Additionally, you can utilize Twitter marketing to regularly inform your audience and followers about your company. If you often tweet and submit fresh comments, it is comparatively simpler to increase your Twitter following. Post information that is not only related to your items. Provide industry highlights and tweet news tidbits related to your specialized area. The crowd’s attention will be drawn to this without a doubt.
- Personalized Marketing

Customers will anticipate more individualized marketing activities in 2023. Utilize client information to provide messages and content that is specifically tailored to their needs and interests. Personalization can foster brand loyalty and raise engagement.
Pro Tips

Finding the appropriate concepts and methods may be difficult since marketing is so demanding. However, for your campaigns to be successful, proper execution is very essential. You don’t have to perform all the labor-intensive tasks yourself thanks to recent technology breakthroughs. In recent years, many new marketing startups have been a godsend for marketers. You can increase production and cut costs with its assistance.
Finding out what works for you and your company might be difficult, but the only way to do it is to try new things and be creative with your marketing efforts. Observing the trends and putting your own twist on them is one method to figure it out. The wisest course of action is to trust your instincts. The only thing that matters is the steady, long-term expansion of your company.
The finest type of advertising for drawing in a sizable audience is outdoor advertising. Outdoor advertising has decreased, despite the advancement of technology. But you can’t fully disregard it in your marketing plan. There are lots of advertising agencies in Indore but you can find only one agency who provides auto rickshaw video ads in Indore named Rickshawpedia.
Apply the aforementioned 5 strategies for your advertising in accordance with your company’s needs. It will undoubtedly benefit you by bringing in additional clients for your company.